By exploring this part of our site, you've unlocked a glimpse into one of the world's many wonders—Titov
In the period from May to September this year we hosted hundreds of mountain bikers from Israel who had the opportunity to enjoy cross country and all mountains riding through the most beautiful mountain areas in Macedonia. We ride through pastures surrounded by endemic biodiversity, meet flocks of sheep, cows and wild horses, have been introduced to the life of mountain farmers testing the finest cheese and had close encounters with wildlife, including a bear at Mount Jablanica.
Follow some of their comments about this tour:
Our group of 10 mountain bikers just returned from an extraordinary experience. From the moment we were greeted at the airport by Konstantin and Dmitri and through the entire week of climbing and descending the Macedonian mountainside. We received the utmost care for every detail imaginable, nothing was overlooked (including sighting of a bear). In addition to experiencing the adrenalin surge of mountain biking we were pampered by an additional member of the team, Svetlana, who prepared homemade picnics In the most pristine locations. We, as a group, highly recommend this professional team for an unforgettable mountain bike experience.
Erez, Ronen, Nati, Rani, Boaz, Amit, Avi, Shimon, Yosi and Yael
By exploring this part of our site, you've unlocked a glimpse into one of the world's many wonders—Titov
Во Македонијата постојат предуслови за креирање авантуристички производи со висока пазарна вредност. За докажување на овој став не
Најдобри практики преставуваат оперативни методи, кои покажале дека даваат супериорни резултати. Во авантуристичкиот туризам, има бројни примери за
Суштината на авантуристичкиот туризам се доживувањата и новите искуства кое што ја дефинира рамката на промоцијата на производите